Ewell Horticultural Association banner


EHA organises 2 flower and produce shows a year and visitors to the shows can see the displays of flowers, pot plants, fruit, vegetables, cookery, craft and design, photography and wonderful floral art creations.

A new handbook for 2024 and 2025 is now available and is being distributed to members who require it.  Click here  for the Handbook. 

There are refreshments with home made cakes available and stalls selling plants/bulbs, gardening sundries, floral art accessories, greetings cards, a raffle, and competitions that children can enter.



Show Dates20242025
Spring Show 6th April 5th April
Autumn Show 21st September 20th September

2024 Talks Programme

The AGM will be held at 7:30pm on 12th March. We intend to have an extended meeting to allow for members to volunteer to help in the running of the EHA. There will not be a talk after the AGM concludes.

The talks programme is currently suspended.


Talk Dates
Tues 12th March AGM



2024 Trips

We would love to hold trips for members to visit gardens. BUT we need a volunteer to help organise them. Please contact us if you can help.